It's Been Real
It's been real, and it's been fun.
But Winter, I'm really ready for you to move on. I wouldn't mind you sticking around for a little while longer, if you could just go easy on the snow. And the sleet. And the frigid temperatures.
The silver lining: you bring good, cozy, knitting and sewing weather.
So, what should it be folks?
I'm right there with's been snowing for three straight days. Blech! I totally vote for the sweater!
C. Both of the above!
A new sweater, a new sweater, a new sweater!!
Love your quilts, but gotta say sweater in this weather.
a new quilt. quilts fit everyone.
A new quilt. I always love your quilts.
Well, I vote for the quilt. At least in this house, it would get done. The sweater.. not so much.
Both!!! Who needs sleep?
Oh, who are you kidding--you're the kind of person who can do both!!
Quilt, Quilt, QUILT!!!!!!
(pretty please!)
I was just about to shout: QUILT QUILT QUILT, when I noticed someone else has done that, but I shouted QUILT
Oh, that sweater. I need to see more of that sweater.
Madam -- you're a tease.
The cables are looking good, but those fabrics laid out together look simply irresistible. My vote is for the quilt.
How about a new quilt with crazy @$$ cables?! Can you do that?
Am I allowed to say @$$ on the air?
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