What a Difference a Summer Makes
Thank you for all of your sweet comments! Someday, when I clue my daughter in to the blog and let her read the comments, she will love them.
So, I have 2 very excited kids back to school this morning with really wonderful teachers, and they are happy to see all of their friends, and it's a good day. I am really happy and excited for them. I've had a few moments where I've been sad to see the summer end, but the summer has been really good, so I'm satisfied.
She was kind of lamenting the fact that nobody noticed her cute kid anymore. But here I am, with 3 full-fledged kids and I kind of feel like I'm entering the stage I've always waited for. I'm not really a baby person. I did love a lot of things about it, but I'm not the kind of person who wants to hold other people's babies, or longs to have another--to keep the baby stage going. I'm ready to move on. Dave and I have discussed that there is a great stage between ages 3 and....I don't know....12(?) when they are past the baby stage and can do things, you can take your eyes off them for 10 seconds without worrying that they are going to drink Lysol, they are (hopefully) past the tantrumy stage for the most part, they still love being with mom and dad and are fun to be around, BUT it is before they enter the teenage years. We will have 5 years with all 3 kids at this stage, before they become teenagers and hate us. The Zone. We are entering The Zone!
There are so many things that I haven't done with the kids because I still had a run-away toddler. We had never had a week-long family vacation before this summer, and it was awesome. So many changes this summer. The potty training that lasted for three fricken months (the previous 2 took only a week). The big girl bed. No more diapers, crib, or lugging a pack-n-play on trips.
This year my middle daughter has morning kindergarten. Two years ago, my son had afternoon kindergarten, and the combination of one kid in morning preschool, rushing home for lunch, one kid in afternoon kindergarten, and a baby in a bucket carseat along for the ride with all of it could've killed me. We survived, obviously, but it was the most hectic year so far and I was bracing myself to do it again this year. With morning kindergarten, another in morning preschool, and the oldest gone all day, I will have 4 mornings all by myself. To think. To work. To drink a hot cup of coffee!
I've been making my mental list. It started out pretty simple. More yarn dyeing, more blogging, more quilting. But it's getting quite long. I'm excited to:
Start quilting seriously again.
Enter my quilts in exhibits again.
Organinze my quilting life that's gone to hell the past 5 years.
Organize everything else that's gone to hell in the past 5 years.
E-mail back everyone that's e-mailed me in the past 5 years.
Combine my quilt website, blog, and yarn store.
Or maybe just switch my blog over to a different service.
Blog at least 3 times a week.
Dye more yarn.
Sew more clothes (and actually blog about them).
Sew a few bed quilts.
Volunteer in both kid's classrooms (AVIC).
Have coffee occasionally with friends.
Treat myself to the occasional thrift store outing.
Keep my house cleaner--just a little--let's not get carried away or anything.
Get back to well thought out meals.
Sounds good to me! Can't wait for coffee!
I bet you will have a full season of wonderful mornings! Just remember to go easy in the list. ;)
Last year was the first year of preschool for my youngest. Make sure that some of that time is just for you, and not for volunteering or getting errands done with no children in tow. You're more energetic than me, so I have no doubt that you'll conquer your list and then some. Let me know when you're having your hot coffee, and I'll share a virtual cup with you.
Personal time is so important and gets so easily eaten up by children! Congratulations on getting the best of both worlds: wonderful children and a little guilt free "me" time!
BTW, love the quilts. =-D
Enjoy the zone....it's a great time, and I reflect back on it as the real "family time" in our life!
Sounds lovely, gives me hope.
Still have your project on the burner. :)
We are in the "zone" now too, and I'm looking forward to the next few years. My youngest is only in preschool the 2 days that I work, so I still won't get much alone-at-home time, but still--no more diapers, baby gear, etc--it's great! Plus they both sleep through the night!
Emily, I see that "Dye more yarn" is on your list. You better get busy because Knitter's Review yesterday talked about your yarn with a link to your Etsy shop!!
See: http://www.knittersreview.com/article_how_to.asp?article=review/profile/070823_a.asp
Way to go.
just hopped over here from january one. i'm loving your list. my kids start school over the next two weeks and my list looks a lot like yours - except that it goes back 8 years. i've been telling people that i'll be cleaning up 8 years of messes and then see where to go from there.
enjoy your 4 mornings.
Hmm....must be something in the air. If you read my Balance post, it is very similar to yours.
It sounds like you have some wonderful plans!
Enjoy your time for yourself. :)
I have to say, though, you should definitely NOT anticipate that your kids will hate you when they become teenagers. Not only does this underestimate you and them, but apparently teens these days are closer than ever to their parents, and surveys show that most have great relationships! So look forward to many more years of fun with your kids. ;)
As the mother of a 2-and-a-half year old, thanks for giving me hope. Next year!!!!
Yeah! Congratulations for some free time! I know exactly what you mean about not being a baby kind of mom. I like mine a lot after they get past the age of 3. Even though I've still got two at home I'm forcing the issue and having some serious studio time.
I do have to tell you that all is not lost after the age of 11. They do get weird but mine are inconsistent about it. They are disgusted with me only part of the time. The rest of the time I actually really enjoy their company!
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