Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Kind of Like Finding a Twenty in Your Coat Pocket

Hey Friends,

It's been so long since I knitted a sweater.  It's been sooooo loooong since I knitted anything, really, that wasn't a show sample.  Probably 2 years.   So after I finished Vogue Knitting Live last week, my last show of 2012, I decided that I would spend the next couple of months working my way through some stash. 

I've been wanting to make Aidez for forever, and I even have the yarn for it.  I thought it would be a good one to start with, being bulky, and quick, and I could get some momentum going.

So I got into my bin to get out the Rowan Scottish Tweed--and lookie!  Lookie!  Lookie!

I found a sleeve!  Apparently I started it already, like 2 years ago, and put it away in the bin, and forgot.  (High five to past-self for giving me a head start on my stash-busting-sweater-knitting!  Whoo!)


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