Saturday, December 17, 2005

PBS! At My House!

They arrived at 9am, just as Dave was whisking the kids off to school/the library/anywhere but here in the house.

There are 3 of them, Producer Laurie, Camera Man Frank, and Sound Lady (I think her official title is "Videographer") Kerman. Look at them! You can already tell they are totally nice, and not the least bit scary.

They came into my studio and immediately decided that they would use the thread rack as the backdrop for the interview.

Laurie gets set up to do the interview:

While Frank and Kerman get set up too:

Here I am getting miked:

The interview went well. We had to stop and wait for a couple of planes to fly over and the snowplow to go by (and by again, and ok, back up and go by one more time, Enough Already!) We also had to stop at one point and turn off the refridgerator (it was humming, apparently, and Kerman could hear it.) My refridgerator has an off switch! Who knew?!

The only thing I think I wish I would have done differently is smile more, or at all, during the interview. I think it was a little serious, heck I was just getting warmed up when, bam, it was over. But I take comfort in the fact that a half an hour of talking will get edited down to, like, two seconds. So, even if they take out all the dopey stuff, they should have two seconds of good material, where I sound like I know what I'm talking about, and maybe, I hope, I smiled.

Then it's time to do a little demo. I show Frank and Kerman what I am going to be working on. They film me for a while, tracing my pieces, cutting them, and walking to the wall to pin them on. They are impressed, and think I am actually getting work done. But no, I was just cutting any color willy nilly, trying to look professional, but in truth, there were big fancy TeeVee lights shining on me, and I was in a trance.

Now my part is done, and I can bite any remaining lipstick off my lips. It is time to film the quilts. We go out to the living room where I have some quilts already set up on stands. These were too big to fit into my studio.

That is "Sunflowers" on the left, "Daffodils" on the right. Frank did the filming, Laurie recorded the information, and Kerman made out her Christmas shopping list for her nieces and nephews. (Glad to be of assistance with that, Kerman!)

It was important to do the mysterious "white hanky test" before shooting the quilt. They all assured me that Frank did not use the hanky for any other purpose.

They were so fun and so funny. You could tell they have a good time working together, and I really enjoyed having them. Here Laurie takes a minute to goof off with me in front of my quilt.

The last one he shoots is the newest quilt "Pink Tulips", above the mantle.

(That's "I'm Buggin" in the background, the oldest quilt they picked.) They also assured me that the background will get edited away, no need to lug out the play kitchen.

It's a wrap. They scurry around and pack everything away.
And, just as quickly as they have come into my life--they are gone. With the kids still out, the house is incredibly quiet.

But that's a good thing, for now, because I have over a dozen quilts to carefully roll up and put away.

So, its really over.

Heavy Sigh.

Onward Christmas knitting!
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Blogger Val said...

That is an amazing quilt that Daffodils one. Its so huge! Awesome. Gosh to have a wall big enough to display it! To have a workroom big enough to make it! I love it!

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow wow wow! That's so totally cool. Sounds like it all went smoothly. I'm sure you'll come out sounding like the creative hero you are. When do we get to see it?

1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go! I am so pround to know you! Yippee can't wait to see it!

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pround? how about PROUD?

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your work is beautiful! You may have already mentioned this and I missed it - when is your interview going to be on so I can set the TiVo? :o)

2:41 PM  
Blogger a. said...

Incredible!!! So exciting. did they say when it was going to be broadcast?

Relax now.

3:40 PM  
Blogger Katy said...

So cool! Did they think it was funny that you were blogging about them?
Your quilts are so impressive set up on the stands--I wish that I could see them in person!

5:00 PM  
Blogger Melody Johnson said...

When did you get all those quilt stands??? I had no idea you had that many.
I am sure your show will be the highlight of the series. Really.
Wasn't way fun? I wish I could have been healthy for my day.

7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like the shoot was a great success. Your commentary is too funny. (Is that a HotWheels track behind the couch? lol)
The quilts looked stunning at the exhibit...I'll bet that in the smaller space of your home (with those colorful walls), they really *popped*.
Be sure to post when you have the broadcast info!

7:31 AM  
Blogger FatQuarterQuiltFarm said...

I have your "Buggin" postcard on my fridge!!! Have for several years(houses,fridges) now!!! I didnt put the two together!!!Duh! I'm such a dork!! YEAY YEAY YEAY TO YOU!! Can you let us know when the segment will be aired?So very freakin awesome!! Congrats!!!

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I realize I am reading your post 6 years too late, however....I have a borrowed copy of that PBS video (I've checked it out 6 times in 2 years, and made my husband, my parents, and my friends sit and watch it with me). That video is how I found you and your fellow fusers! Now I shall stalk your blogs. Thanks!

2:40 PM  

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