Monday, December 12, 2005

Next Quilt

Thank you all for the nice comments you left about my quilt! I really really appreciate them.

I am pleased with the way it came out, especially since I am feeling rusty in the quilting department. I suppose I didn't really need to have shiny new work specifically for PBS, since the few new quilts I have made over the past few years haven't been shown much, and I haven't even put them up on my website yet. But, it did loads to put me back in the quilting frame of mind. I'm slightly juiced toward quilting again. And, not to mention, it sparked up my living room. :)

So, on to the next thing! This is the quilt that will be *in progress*, for the PBS people to see me working on. ***Friday***

I took this photo on Sunday, when I finished the drawing, took it to Kinko's to enlarge it, and put it up on the wall.

It will be red poppies. I traced this drawing onto white fabric, and pinned the fabric to the wall. It (the fabric drawing) is my diagram as to where to place my pieces. I fuse right onto it, and it becomes an actual layer of the quilt.

The paper drawing becomes my template, I use it to cut my pieces. I can go more in depth about this process, if anyone is interested, (later--after Christmas!)

Here is my progress at the end of tonight:

It's so dark, even with all the lights in my studio. Here's a slightly better picture, but still dark:

And we have Survivor Contest Winners! I will make a big announcement later this week, after I have e-mailed all concerned.
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Blogger Anna Lear said...

wow -- that'll be beautiful when it's done!! and I love that you're showing the process; I had no idea how to start and proceed with a free-form quilt. very nice.

12:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good luck with your PBS shoot on friday! Sorry, i didn't get to meet you at the PAQA meeting today. maybe next month.

9:56 PM  
Blogger Carol said...

I would definitely like to hear more about the process (post-Christmas, of course). Your quilts take my breath away!

8:27 PM  

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