I love yarn.
This girl loves horses.

So what could be more perfect on a sunny May afternoon that a big fancy horse parade right past the
yarn store?
In a turn of events that actually had nothing to do with yarn, a local brewery was celebrating its 5th anniversary. They booked the famous Clydesdales to deliver fresh brewed beer straight from St. Louis up to Geneva, Illinois, for their celebration (I have a sneaking suspicion that the horses and beer actually came by truck most of the way) and they made a grand entrance straight up 3rd Street, right past the yarn store.

Of course, I was just in it for the yarn, but I have to admit the horses were pretty cool. A police car with flashing lights in front, the huge tall Clydesdales with their beautiful furry feet, and a huge wagon with 2 guys in costume at the top, (and a dalmation), the cases of beer piled high in the back.

They clip clopped past us down the street, we went in for a quick trip through the yarn store, we went back out and they clip clopped back up the street.

There they were, directly in front of us, when all of a sudden they stopped. "Poop stop!" somebody called out, and it soon echoed through the crowd. Sure enough, there was poop. Well, besides the 2 police escorts, there was a little golf-cart-like vehicle that putted along behind the grand horse wagon. One guy with a broom, and one guy with a shovel. I don't know what the women's job was, but I don't want it.

'Cause guess what's in the big red trash can?!
Molly was quite taken with the poop break, and I guess I was too.
Anyway. We've had a whirlwind tour of the yarn store, seen the horses, made our way back through the crowd, and are driving home. I see the horses again, they are now at the end of the street, parked next to the brewery. I point them out to Molly. This conversation follows:
Molly: What are they doing there?
Me: I guess they are making their delivery to the restaurant.
Molly: Poop?
Me: What?
Molly: Is that what they are delivering to the restaurant? Poop?
Apparently I didn't do a very good job of expaining the horses visit!
So, what have I been stalking at said yarn store recently? Louet Sales Euroflax Sportweight 100% linen.

This is so not what I usually knit, but I love this tank and want to wear it! Even if it takes me all summer because the linen is so hard on my hands (I did wash it first, what an experience, more on that later).
And if you've made it this far and are still reading--how about a little Memorial Day Weekend contest?
Wool and Company now has a new blog. It's great! Go check it out. I mean it, that's part of the contest. Go check out the new blog. At the top, you will see a "lost and found" button. Who knew a yarn store would have a lost and found?
Click on the lost and found, and guess which item in the picture belongs to my household. (My darlings Jodee, Carla, and Lydia, since you already know, you can't be eligible for this, don't kill me!) If there is more than one correct answer, I will draw randomly from them.
Leave your answer in the comments. Here's the prize:

That's a skein of Tess Designer Sock Yarn, in a beautiful deep turquoise color, shot through occasionally with deeper royal blue.
How patriotic is that?